New Episode is here!

Ep-40: "You Be The Worm Face." Is now up and available right here on our website follow this >>LINK<< or find us on iTunes and the Stitcher mobile podcast app. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a nice review. Thanks for listening!

Yeehaw! The FM3 are back in the saddle with a belly full of worms and “Fats” the Ventriloquist puppet riding shot gun! In this episode we discuss the slippery, slimy backwoods fun of the 1976 film “Squirm”. We also talk about the 1978 film “Magic” and the wonderful world of being a 1970’s schizophrenic Ventriloquist! We also talk about our first Vinyl Soundtrack release as well as a few more ground breaking products that we have to  hit up the patent office about. So don’t be a dummy with worms for brains and join us on this magical journey back to the 1970’s !!!